Hey you! YES YOU! Do you know this roblox game called "Egg Kevin's House" and are, oddly enough, searching for webrings about it despite it being unknown in the roblox community? Well FEAR NOT! I, the webring master called Nat, will save you!
does your server not fit any of these descriptions? then you're fit to be in the webring!
Just copy the template below and email it to eggingthehousesekh@gmail.com!
you can also use this to inform me (via email) about change of website name, domain, color, etc etc! just add that you'd be changing info (also tell me the name of your website [previously] since i won't be able to know which website to change). Happy applying!
Your default widget should look like:
just copy the whole code and you're good to go! if you have made a design that you want to add, i'll be happy to help you drop it here.